Tag Archives: #WSQ02


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Flipped Learning.

Flipped Learning is a new method for teaching, approaching a more student interactive learning. The premise is simple, instead of receiving lectures during class, the students watch a video of the class that was already recorded by the teacher. In that video, the teacher gives his or her lecture, and students must watch it in order to understand what’s happening in their course.

This method is efficient because students can watch the video over and over again, and they have more time during class to work on their projects or ask the teacher questions. This system obviously fails when the student doesn’t watch the video, but that’s just his or her problem.

In my bachillerato, Harkness Institute, we used to have a similar method, we had to search information and data abot our courses and we had to discuss it, between the students. The teacher were only mediators and listened to what we have to say. But this method is different, since the only source we have is the teacher, is was indeed risky to find our information in random internet pages.

Here’s a playlist of videos explaining what is flipped classroo, its pros and its cons.

#WSQ02 #FlippedLearn

1 min read


I have been doing a research about flipped learning and i found that it is a very interesting to to teach

Is easy the concept, every student can learn at his own velocity, with many different medios, this makes the student more responsible and has a lot of advantages.
Here I give you the link of an exelent video to understand this concept better:

Learn To Program 2015-01-28 10:09:00

El “Flipped Classroom” es un modelo de enseñanza moderno utilizado principalmente en las instituciones educativas, que utiliza el tiempo de las clases para la resolución de dudas, apoyo con material y orientación por parte del instructor.

En mi caso, me parece bastante interesante este nuevo sistema de clases porque todo el aprendizaje que recolectemos dependerá de nuestras intenciones de aprender, sabiendo que si tengo problemas en algún tema específico, tendré apoyo de un profesional, en este caso mi profesor.

Solo espero poder disfrutar de este nuevo sistema, que para mi, es totalmente nuevo. A disfrutar, aprender e innovar.

Miré este video para comparar entre el modelo tradicional y el Flipped Classroom.

Learn To Program 2015-01-28 10:09:00

El “Flipped Classroom” es un modelo de enseñanza moderno utilizado principalmente en las instituciones educativas, que utiliza el tiempo de las clases para la resolución de dudas, apoyo con material y orientación por parte del instructor.

En mi caso, me parece bastante interesante este nuevo sistema de clases porque todo el aprendizaje que recolectemos dependerá de nuestras intenciones de aprender, sabiendo que si tengo problemas en algún tema específico, tendré apoyo de un profesional, en este caso mi profesor.

Solo espero poder disfrutar de este nuevo sistema, que para mi, es totalmente nuevo. A disfrutar, aprender e innovar.

Miré este video para comparar entre el modelo tradicional y el Flipped Classroom.

WSQ02 Flipped Classroom

1 min read

What i love about flipped classroom is that you can take the traditional education to a different level and it’s modern and better because the communicating with peers and teachers make you feel more confident to get involved with class and learn more not only about what teacher is saying or what you read, you can also acquire knowledge from your peers, different kind of activities, technology applications, etc.

#WSQ02  #TC1017

I guess this classroom its very conventional for us because we can learn easier than traditional classroom, but us as students we need to be

I guess this classroom its very conventional for us because we can learn easier than traditional classroom, but us as students we need to be more responsibles. #TC1017 #WSQ02

Flipped Learning

1 min read

I think that flipped learning is interesting, but the main problem would be that, we always worked in a traditional classrooms, so I believe that could be interesting and more efficient try to adapt to flipped classroom. I think that one of the problems will be present, could be that almost everything is responsibility of the student and this could not work for all the world. I’m exciting to try it and hope it worth.

I forgot, I had an experience with my math class. We studied the topics online in a blog with material, and in class we asked doubts about it.

Here is the maths blog.

Flipped Learning



Samir Godinez.

Flipped classroom

1 min read

Getting used to flipped classroom, this video helped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_p63W_2F_4

#TC1017 #WSQ02

Flipped Classroom #WSQ02

1 min read

Here is a Cool video explaining what Flipped Classrooms are. 

Teaching for Tomorrow: Flipped Learning

I really think Flipped Classrooms are the future of learning. The student can use its time with the teacher to solve specific doubts or problems instead of just hearing a 30 minute explanation and then not have enough time to work at class with the teacher help.


Oscar Ricardo López López


Flipped learning #WSQ02

1 min read

I think this type of class make more responsable students and is more dynamic. #TC1017 #WSQ02