Fifth day

--Originally published at My iBlog

Today we received the company of Diego Zavala, a current professor of the Tecnologic of Monterrey and he talked to us about the importance of the production of videos that one single person can make to share his/her way of living or simply to express what are their thoughts about a topic. He also recommend us many tools to create our own content that may help to develop videos with great quality.


Fourth day

--Originally published at My iBlog

One of the things that I most enjoy doing is to listening to music. When I’m bored, doing some chores, homework, working, etc. I think music is a big part of my life because I can’t live without it in my everyday.

Here’s a video of the music band Playa Limbo that made a presentation on my school recently.

And here is the main singer of the band “María León” who is the heart of this group.


Third day

--Originally published at My iBlog

In today’s activity we divided a paper sheet to specify whether we are residents or visitors in all the social networks we are in so it give us an idea on what networks we use for personal reasons and others to professional porpouses.

Quick explanation about Residents and Visitors:

Visitors and Residents is a simple way of describing the range of ways individuals can engage with the Web. It’s a continuum of ‘modes of engagement’ not two distinct categories. I’ve used V&R as a way of framing research (as have others internationally) including the development of an openly licensed mapping process which can be used to kick start conversations about how individuals or groups are using the Web in various contexts.


First day

--Originally published at My iBlog


Today we started by receiveing a welcome to the iWeek Worshop by the professor Kenneth Bauer. The first topic in this cases was social networks; many of these wonderful tools that we use nowadays to communicate with friends from our circles or even more to relate with people from around all the world that might share our ideals or just by the fun of enjoying the same stuff that we like.

It is important to make a highlight for those people who don’t give a proper use to this tools, despite of the availability that allow anyone to create an account from any social network, that means you also have the freedom to stalk, search or just examinate someone’s public profile. So that is a big warning to every user that shares their data taking the risk to let other people to see your stuff. Something you must never forget is that anything you upload to the internet remains there forever.