Fifth day iTec

--Originally published at Bruno in iTec

In the final day of iWeek we had a meeting with a man named Diego Zavala. He started talking about the evolution of digital storytelling and some experience he had. Digital storytelling is doing videos without people, just images, pictures and recordings. After that he began to explain more about the topic and its development in websites like YouTube.

During the meeting, Diego played a video only with animation and audio about a father and his experience of having his son and the future of that son. Another video had a picture of two cups of coffee, it was about a girl telling how his parents met. The last video was about a woman talking about her family, only with pictures.

Finally he requested us doing a video similar to the other ones. My video was about things I enjoyed during the iWeek course.

Fourth day iTec

--Originally published at Bruno in iTec

On the fourth day of the iTec I had to read five blogs of my course mates and after that I had to comment that bloggers telling about things they did well and other things they did not. In my opinion all webpages are well designed and the information that posted each person is excellent. Here are the links.

Lucía's iTec Blog



Digital Identity



After that, I looked for new tools of learning in the internet, in a suggested page ( In that page I saw sources that I already knew, such as Wikipedia or algorithms. But there were many others I did not noticed, like Trolling, Mapping (which helps you to see the importance of the cultures), Blogging (web users that share their knowledge), journalism, activism or even gaming.

Third day iTec

--Originally published at Bruno in iTec

We had a meeting with three women experienced with educational technology Bonnie, Sunday and Autumn. At first they talked about Presence in the web. But they began talking with thus in order to talk about the main topic “Visitors & Residents” (V&R).

Being a visitor is just when doing an specific task in website and probably you will never visit that website again, or maybe you visit that website very often but you do not produce nothing in that site. Being a resident is when you visit constantly a website whether for having fun or doing homework, it also works when you are a blogger, the following image explains well the difference between them.

Resultado de imagen para visitors and residents a new typology for online engagement

Even you are a visitor or resident in a web page you have two purposes, whether it is personal or institutional. Personal things can be considered sites like Snapchat, Facebook, being a youtuber or being subscribed, personal e-mail, Twitter. Institutional things can be a job website, buying something online, or investigating something in Google.

Resultado de imagen para visitors and residents


Then we made our own graph


Second day iTec

--Originally published at Bruno in iTec

The objective of the day was cutting words in newspaper that describe myself. Then with those words I had to take pictures, in Tec, related with those words.


In this picture, I am referring that I do not like alcohol, this means drinking liquor.




I like going to the movie theater and enjoy good movies. As this picture shows, the “Star Wars” movies are my favorite ones.




I like topics related with Science, especially those related with Physics and Chemistry.




I am someone who wants to do things earlier (at morning). When I do something in afternoon I feel uncomfortable.



Finally, one things that characterizes me is that I love pets (dogs, cats, fish, parrots, hamsters, or any other). They are lovely friends.



After the photo safari we had a meeting with Laura Gogia and Lee Skallerup talking about digital learning spaces. the first one is an educational researcher, the second one is a pedagogist.

Finally we met Amy Burvall and Alan Levine, both of them specialized in educational technology.

First Day iTec

--Originally published at Bruno in iTec


In this first day of the iTec we learned the what digital identity is. It is what defines you on the internet and how others see you on the internet. To understand that, the teacher Ken taught us the importance of them, together with his friend Dave.

I recently created this blog. In my opinion I enjoyed today’s session and I think this week will be funny. New post