Are there more people inside me?

--Originally published at Wonderland

Like all the things you were never really interested in doing but start doing out of a sudden, the creation of this little online kingdom is starting as a school project, but who knows, maybe I’ll like it and keep doing it. We’ll see what happens. I am doing it in english since the course I’m taking is in english plus I figured my international friends could be interested in reading this.

During this course I’m taking at school we discussed about identity and more importantly about online identity. And I was mulling the idea of us human beings not having only one version of ourselves but many that are conditioned to context. I know… weird. But I have a point you’ll see.

When we stand in front of certain people we behave in a certain way because we are taught to do exactly that. I’m not going to behave the same way I do with my family, with my co-workers or my boss. There’s a bunch of sociology theory written about this. But I was thinking what if it’s not behavior what context is conditioning but a whole mindset resulting in different versions of ourselves. Every version with its own likes and dislikes, with its own interests, its own experiences and ways to react before any situation. Maybe all the versions have the same perception but the way that perceived reality is process is different.