Day 4 #iTecGDA – Learning new tools and resources for our online presence

--Originally published at Gustavo's iTec Blog

On today’s session of the course, we learned about new tools to use to manage our vast resources and automize certain tasks. Twitter bots, password managers, video apps and “what Facebook knows about you”. Our guest speaker Maha Bali will be joining us at 12:00pm, to talk about Digital Citizenship.

About management tools, one of my favorite password-keeping tools is 1Password. I have different passwords for every account I have online (especially important ones), and I rely entirely on my memory to remember them. My only concern is that, as I grow older, I won’t be able to remember passwords I created when I was 12 years old. Enter 1Password, my “memory backup” for passwords. Apple recently started implementing password locks on their Notes app, which is also something I use to write down important stuff.

I try to stay updated on current events and relevant news stories every day. My phone is always being attacked by notifications (especially in the morning)  from news apps such as CNN, MSNBC, Bloomberg, and so on. Apple (I’m a huge Apple fan) recently launched News, a news app where you have stories from multiple sources in one place.

Those are a few of the many tools I use in my everyday life to make things easier and more automated, and to absorb as much information as I can without really trying.