Day 5 Final Conclusions!

--Originally published at Kuan's Journey

Day 5:

First of all an apology for not being with you guys yesterday, I felt sick all day.

For the first time I will make a video about what I love. I don’t have material for it, but I’ll do my best…
So we had an hour to do a video about what we love and it really took me about an hour and a half to do a video of 1 min hahah, but I will upload it and it really talks by itself, hope you like it


Talking about the conference with Rebecca Hogue and Helen DeWaard, what I really got from this conference was, “you should not feed the bullies or trolls from the internet” (speaking about cyber bullying). This is a common topic, and important for me; honestly, I had never being cyber-bullied but I am afraid of that if I become a blogger either on video or writing. That is the reason I had never been a blogger, despite the fact that I am not that good at writing nor editing but this is something I’d love to do. It is a way of expressing myself and about connecting with people all around world so my question is why not.
Finally… “be true to who you are”, when blogging and in life. Something that I mentioned once or twice throughout the week but this is something the special guests have been saying frequently, and I agree. Event though you are behind a little screen and your viewers or readers, you have to express who you really are because it’s you essence and you gotta be really who you are so you can be believable, and people to connect. In my case I write specifically the way I really think, even though I don’t express it that much, but this is a way I would talk to my friends, with the truth.

My final conclusion for the week is:
To be honest I really did not thought I would like this much this course, I thought it was going to be more for computer designers and stuff and me studying for a bachelor in accounting and finance it was like, this is not for me I don’t know why I got into this, but it result to get to know your own self. Digital Identity its pretty much the same as IDENTITY, I got to express myself for the first time in my life and I will continue doing this. I won’t let my viewers down!