Digital Identity: Day two

--Originally published at Digital Identity


Today we do a photo safari, and have hangouts with Laura Gogia, Lee Skallerup, Alan Levine and Amy Burvall. They explain to us how to express yourself in your blog. For example in your blogs you can write about what do want in your life, dreams or your daily activities or if you are a star you can write about the things that you are working. But be careful, because some people stool your information to create a fake person and do whatever they want, for example, that person can said that he need money to do things or something like that, and the people give him money and they think that is you.

About the photo safari was a good experience because you can see the world with another’s eyes, because you work and think about what could you do to make a good photo and what word describes what do you want. So is a great activity to think about you.