Digital presence

--Originally published at Digital Identity-iTec

Digital presence or digital identity, what is the difference?

Digital identity is who do you call yourself in the internet which include the information you make visible for others, while digital presence is how do you make yourself visible for others. If you are not present in the internet there’s no way people can get information about you which is impossible, so digital presence and identity are two things the have to be together.


How do you make yourself visible in the internet?, one example is social network like Facebook, Twitter, etc. You interact with others with the internet and you also have to have an identity so other people can recognize you.

Other way to place your blueprint in the internet is with the help of blogs. In a blog you post your opinion, ideas, your thoughts or whatever you like about something in particular; is the same as when people publish their opinions on the columns of the newspaper, but instead, a post is published on the internet. People can also write opinions about what you wrote and that way you create conversations and discussion that take the topic to a new different level.

How can I start a post? For example, today in one of the iTec activities, we made a photo Safari in which we took photos about something we found interesting or about thing that could identify us. Here are some of the photos that I took:






I’m not very good taking pictures and I tried to fix some with my basic knowledge of Photoshop, and also I’m no very good with design but that is not the point here. Some of those words may be kind of cool but in the end I only cut some random words that I found interesting form a magazine and took a photo of any view that caught my eye.


That is also the way how a post is made (including this one), just write about random things that are interesting for you and will create something cool at the end, you don’t need a purpose to write blogs, what you need is only to write what you think is correct and expand that knowledge with the help of comments and discussions from other users.

There is no rule about posting, you can do it anytime, there is no deadline or restrictions that could make your post poor; the only thing that is important when writing in the internet is to make sure that you are not hurting someone feelings, or criticizing other people and things like that; just make sure that you are respecting everyone.

The reason why I learned about blogging and posting, and why I’m putting this meme at the end is because of:
