The Need to Be Safer

--Originally published at Debugging My Mind

Security always seems like a topic that people tend to ignore more than needed, “We’re never really safe online” is a possible argument to avoid the extra hassle of double authentication or keeping more passwords, specially with the events of big companies getting hacked as an example, recently with yahoo getting a whole lot of user information hacked from it.

Recovered from Faze

I’m one of the people that find it difficult to keep tons of different passwords for every account, specially cuz of not wanting to have a notepad with them or a program saving them, but in the end that keeps me more at risk than safe which might be a good reason to change that. Today we were searching for new tools to learn for our online usage and one of the ones mentioned was Last Pass.

Resultado de imagen para LastPass
Recovered from Forbes

Last Pass is a program where you can keep all your passwords for all your different websites stored in an encrypted form and in a sort of vault for you to check when needed, all saved through a single master password and a possible double authentication.

The thought of having an external program always makes me anxious, what if they have access to my passwords?, are they actually safe?, is pretty much what I think when considering these programs. The one difference here is the recommendation of our course teacher who has used this program for several years, which makes me more confident to try it out.

Now the only problem is to go around all my accounts and make a completely different and new password for all of them. That’s gonna be problematic.