The yellow duck meets Dave Cormier

--Originally published at the yellow duck told me to cook rice

Dave Cormier(Twitter) a wonderful person I have the honor to meet today(26/09/16) thanks to my teacher Ken Bauer (Twitter), Dave said hi and explains to us some facts about protecting yourself in internet.

Dave was a very good man and talk to us about some experiences He had had, also joked with us and answers to our questions. Dave Cormier told us a lot of things but let’s check some of the most important ones.

1.- If cannot be avoid to not be in the internet.

Some friend of yours later or sooner will take you a photograph that maybe you don’t want to show to the whole world, but it’s 2016 and that’s what people do, shared every single piece of theirs lives to the world, so it’s almost impossible to stay away from it.

2. Careful about your passwords

Raise the hand the one who uses different passwords for every single page. It’s too complicated because keep using a single password is by far the easiest and the more comfortable way to handle with accounts in internet, but take in consideration that this also open a door that if it’s open once, it will be open for all.

3. Transitional technology

Who remember those mouse with that strange thing in above the mouse, well that’s so old that I can barely remember them. Now we have mouse with optical laser and stuff.Times changes so does technology, nothings is forever so we better keep rush ourselves to do not stay behind. But internet is one of those things that seems to be very unique and seems to have a larger lifespan than other technologies products, so don’t be good if we could take care of our Identity.
