Who do we trust?

--Originally published at Título del sitio

Hi! I am Guillermo García, will be writing for this week posts in this blog about security. These posts are not going to be technical so everyone could read it.

First of all i want to tell you that I am security fan, I always want to be all my stuff secured of hackers. As we know hackers are the bad people of internet. Actually there exists 3 types of hackers. information-security-management-hansa-edirisinghe-4-638

Figure 1: (http://image.slidesharecdn.com/slideshareinformationsecuritymanagement-130916000706-phpapp01/95/information-security-management-hansa-edirisinghe-4-638.jpg?cb=1381918606)

White hackers: these are the good guys, these are employed by a company to discover or check faults of the system.

Grey hackers: these guys aren’t employed, these guys dedicate to discover vulnerabilities of the system, but they make an agreement with the company to pay whatever they want, so if the company doesn’t pay the quantity required the hacker make public the vulnerability of the system, that’s why they are bad people.

Black hackers: if these guys found a vulnerability they explode it to earn whatever they can, so these are the really bad people. This kind of hacker make viruses for people like Us, they want to steal all possible important information that we may have.

As You are afraid, I also am, but how could We be protected against them? Buying antivirus, don’t clicking every advertisement in web, making Our passwords stronger by adding numbers, capital letters, symbols … etc. whatever you can remember and you feel that no body is going to guess Your combination. By doing these hackers are going to give up or not trying anymore to hack You.

These are just a few recommendations that I could tell you. So now I invite you to update your passwords as I commented, add whatever you want, but don’t forget it! write it down in a peace of paper and save it!

I will be telling you more recommendations in this weekend!


Figure 2: (https://media.giphy.com/media/l2R00bHNQoQ4Lj0FW/giphy.gif)