--Originally published at h e y i t s d a n y

32 estrellas son las que cada noche sin falta cuento desde mi recámara. A pesar de tener una visión muy pequeña del cielo nocturno siempre entre las 9 y 10 de la noche cuento las estrellas. ¿Porqué lo hago? No tengo idea, es algo que hago por impulso. Pero lo que sí sé es que no importa cómo haya estado mi día, bueno o malo, divertido o aburrido, siempre que cuento las estrellas todo se siente tan tranquilo. Probablemente sueno muy poeta y tal vez un poco exagerada, pero así es como me siento. Es algo que hago desde que estaba en secundaria y a veces me da risa porque parece que me sacaron de una pintura de siglos pasados.

Mi rutina es la misma de siempre: primero me pongo una pijama o algo cómodo, después apago la luz y espero a que nadie se de cuenta de lo que hago. Por que es un momento íntimo entre ellas y yo. Me asomo y sé que veré unas 5 o 6 estrellas muy potentes y empiezo a contar. Las demás se esconden a primera vista, probablemente sea la contaminación o la cantidad de luz pública que hay a mi alrededor, pero aún así las puedo ver. Tienes que poner mucha atención para lograr contarlas todas o al menos las que más puedas. Las 32 que he llegado a contar. Una vez que termino de contarlas, tomo aire fresco y las observo por última vez. Es como si me estuviera despidiendo de aquel día y empezara desde cero para el día siguiente.


Muchacha en la ventana – Salvador Dalí.

Last day iTecGDA

--Originally published at dannielsantana's blog

El viernes fue el ultimo día que estuvimos trabajando dentro de la Semena i en el Tecnológico de Monterrey, uno de lod trabajos que hicimos fue crear una narrativa y hacerla vifeo, anexa esta mi aporte al trabajo final.

En lo personal, siento que las hustorias deben de tener un sentimiento anexo; y honestamente siento que la marrativa dentro del video la cumple.
#iTecGDA – Final Video

Hasta aquí mi aporte acerca de la semana i, sigan sintonizados para mas.informacion random acerca de las cosas que ocurren. Un saludo y ¡gracias!


--Originally published at dannielsantana's blog

Hace poco, tuvimos una conferencia en la que hablaban acerca de los trolls dentro del internet y acercade lo que pasa una vez que se encuentran dentro de las redes sociale; basicamente la meta de un troll es llegar a tocar un tema que sea delicado para nosotros para poder hacer que nos salgamos de nuestra cordura, sin embargo, uno de los consejos que más me marco al momento de la platica fue, ellos tienen poder, hasta donde tu decidas que tanto poder puede tener. Por ejemplo, hay un chico que te moleste en la escuela o alguien del trabajo se burla de ti, normalmente ¿te pondrías a su nivel y comenzarías una ciber-pelea? Puede haber muchísimas respuestas a esa pregunta, sin embargo, la más inteligente sería un rotundo “No” gracias a que, un troll tiene poder hasta donde nosotros se lo otorguemos.

Si alguna de las personas que siguen este blog se siente abrumado por las cosas que suceden de este calibre mi recomendación sería, eres mucho mejor que esa persona que te esta molestando, ¿sabes porqué? Porque has entrado a la vida de esa persona y esta pensando solamente en ti, lo que significa que siente envidia por ti o por algo que haces; así que no te preocupes y si quiere seguir hablando de ti, simplemente ignoralo o bloquealo, no vale la pena quemar tu reputación en la web por algo como esto.

Hasta aquíla entrada del día de hoy. ¡Saludos!

#LastDay #MakingVideo #Ken

--Originally published at iWeek iTec

Soooooo today’s  last day of #Semanai!!!! It’s sad because I’m going to miss to see everyday…


…but I’ll see him in class haaaaaa.

Today was about video, the first hours of course, we had Diego Zavala as our guest, and he talked about how a video can tell a story, and it doesn’t have to be like a super produced video, you can say a lot with one minute, a few pictures and audio in this, he also talked about this page called STORYCENTER which is about tell and listening to short stories about people around the world, and I think it’s awesome because when you think about make a video you think that you need a lot of production, and you’re not, you just need an idea or a though. So I will post a video of my beautiful dog ‘cause you know, I love him more than anything in the world, and he’s the cuttest.


Ok moving on to Digital Identity, we had a deep conversation with Rebecca Hogue and Helen DeWaard, this day was full of questions which was really good,there were questions about security online, some others about how blowing and writing in public spaces can help you out as a therapy or to just free ourselves from things that we keep inside.

This was an awesome experience,thank you to everyone involved but most of all thanks to Ken!!

Oh, BTW it was nice to use twitter again!! look at this:

captura-de-pantalla-2016-10-02-a-las-8-47-10-p-m captura-de-pantalla-2016-10-02-a-las-8-46-56-p-m


--Originally published at 8326's blog

This activity was actually pretty interensting. I enjoyed having people from all over the world share their opinions about digital identity, besides the recommendations they gave us and the answers to our questions were interesting.

I believe this turned out better than Ken expected, even though at the beginning everyone was kind of lost about what we were doing. Maybe as a recommendation I would say to have a little more work durng the week, not that the hangouts were boring or anything like that, but perhaps we had a little more extra time to kill that everyone used as they pleased.

Anyway, I just want to thank Ken for making this iWeek better than expected and always sharing his enthusiasm and passion on his students he’s definitely one of the best teachers I’ve ever known. Keep up with the good work Ken!!

#iWeek #iTecGDA

Day #4

--Originally published at Memogcia blog

Preparing the #SafariVideo

We arrived to day 4! and Maha Bali gave us some tips of how to keep our blog update and interesting for the reader.

I asked Maha how to organize my post in order to not bore the user reading a long post, She told me that if I’m going to write a lot in a post, I would need to distributeall the information that will be written in the post, so it will atract the user and made him to read all the post.

Later Ken told us to be prepared to record a video on Friday, the video could be anything Ken said, could be something you do, something you love, whatever we want. But I couldn’t imagine what to record. Later on I decided to film a friend doing crazy stuff, but I wanted something different something that doesn’t happen every day so I decided to wait until tomorrow (Friday). For sure I will think something to record.

Friday’s activity

--Originally published at Identidad digital

On friday we had to make a video. The topic was whatever we wanted. I decided to team up with a friend and we created a short clip about depression.

Making the video was a lot of fun and also very tiring ‘cause I had to look for the drawings, edit them in Illustrator, creating the video in Affter efects and then adjusting few details in Premiere Pro.

Here is the link.


Day #3 interview

--Originally published at Memogcia blog

In this post I interviewed  @HappyNachou who is studing in TEC previously was in Autónoma de Guadalajara studing computer systems engineering same as in TEC. In this recording I asked him how was his expirience there, so here is the recording:

After hearing the recording, I thought about all the things that David told me, I can conclude that if the student really doesn’t want to be better each day, there is no way he can improve His studies, grades etc… However the student need people to motivate Him, people who believe in Him, people who support Him and people who want to help others.

Thats what I thought, personally I don´t want to feel alone in the university, now I feel glad to be in my university.
