Ability to create C++ project in IDE and run inside the IDE

Hey! I’ll show you how to create C++ code and run it into Xcode (for Mac users) and Code Blocks (for Windows users).

For Code Blocks, here’s a very complete video that teach us from download the app to create and run code into IDE, but it have a little detail, the code used by the author is C, but everything besides that it’s ok.

For Xcode, here’s a Youtube video that shows us how to run the code.

When you open Xcode, it shows you a menu like this:

Xcode menu

You need to create a new project and the app will show you this:

At this point Xcode will ask you for a template. You need to choose “Command Line Tool”, and it will ask ask you for the name of your project and place where save it. Then it will appear something like this:

You need to click on little icon “main” at the top on the left menu and it will show you something like this:

The only thing that you need to do then, is write some code. In this case I used the WSQ07 code. To make that this IDE can run the code you need to click on the button beside the 3 window buttons and it will run.

And it works!…

CC BY 4.0 Ability to create C++ project in IDE and run inside the IDE by Gonzalo Mata is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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