Calling Python Functions. Mastery 11.

Mastery 11. Calling Python Functions
To call a Python function you need to write the name of the given function and the argument(s) you want to use for that function.
Per example, if I have a function that sum its two arguments, I call it by writing its name followed by a parenthesis with the arguments I want to use for the function.
If the name of my function is sum and it needs to arguments. I write:
Sum (3,4)
Here’s a screenshot of how a function that sum its two arguments would work.

And it will print the following results:
Which corresponds to the sum of both arguments of the function.

CC BY 4.0 Calling Python Functions. Mastery 11. by Ismael Lizárraga is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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