Creating and calling functions in C++

In order to creat a function we need to give it a name first and we need to do that before main, like this:

You need to be clear about whay type of function you are creating, in this case is a boolean, and then followed by the instructions that the function will perform in case you call it.

Now, to call a function you need to type in the name of it, followed by the data that the function will use to work, in this case is “input”, but it can be any data you want, as long as it’s the correct type of data that the function is ready to process.

As you can see here I typed in bool and the name of the function is palindrome, that’s how you call it, I hope this comes useful.


CC BY 4.0 Creating and calling functions in C++ by Salvador García is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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