Creating and using Tuples in Python 3

Tuples are much like lists in Python, for the little exception that they are inmutable, this means, once created you can’t make changes to it.

In order to create a Tuple you type the elements inside parenthesis ( … ) sepparated by a coma, just like lists.

>>>tuple=( 4, 5 , 7)

Hint: When you want to make a one element Tuple you should always put a coma after the element, this way Python won’t think that you only have an extra pair of parenthesis.


Since Tuples are inmutable, the methods used to modify them doesn’t exist; methods like append, remove, extend, etc. are no available for Tuples.

You can slice Tuples in order to create a new one that is a section of the one it is generated from. You can make a new Tuple from the slice of one like this:


[ 5, 7]

And you can check if a value exists inside a Tuple the same way you do in Lists. 

  • in Tuple

In this way we can check if a certain value exists inside a Tuple, if it exists it will return True, if it doesn’t it returns False

>>> 5 in tuple


>>> 9 in tuple


  • tuple.index()

This way you can know the index of a certain value inside a Tuple, remember that this returns the index of the first apperance of the value. 



Booleans of Tuples

As in Lists, Tuples have the same booleans. Whenever a Tuple has at least one element, whatever the element may contain, it will return True to a boolean expresion. 

Asigning multiple values

One thing about Tuples that I tought was very interesting is the capacity to asign multiple values in one line. Her’es a little example:


>>>(x, y, z)  = tuple

>>> x


>>> y


>>> z


This is my of my

CC BY 4.0 Creating and using Tuples in Python 3 by Manuel Lepe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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