#Mastery02 #TC1017

Ability to create C++ project in IDE and run inside the IDE:

An IDE (Integrated Development enviroment) it´s a software that simplifies the work of the programmer. It´s used to write code in a lot different languages such as C++ and C.Telling you the error, and giving an better enviroment are some advances that an IDE provide. Normally and IDE consists of a 2 things. A source code editor, build automation tools and a debugger. Code blocks, visual basic and J-Edit are some examples of an IDE. Check out the video placed at the bottom for more introduction and for crating and running a programm in an IDE.


Video made by me: (Personal Video):


CC BY 4.0 #Mastery02 #TC1017 by Pablo Guerra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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