
To make a basic output is really easy on this photo I will show you how to do it but I’m going to explain it anyway 

So to make a basic output you only put print, then you put paranthese inside of those parantheses you will put what you want to show to the user if you want to print a variable you only need to put the name of the variable, if you want to print text you have to put this at the start and the end of the message so it will be like this

print (“Hello”) 

if you want to add that message a variable or other you make this.


print(“The answer is “,a)

so the a is the variable the coma is to separate and is NECESSARY so on the screen you will see (The answer is 42)


so you will print Hello ok these is everything you need to now if you want to make a basic output 

CC BY 4.0 #Mastery10 by Julio Cesar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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