#mastery11 Calling python functions

I used this link to help me do this mastery: https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/controlflow.html#defining-functions

It is also useful to read chapter 3 of the book “Think Python, How to Think Like a Computer Scientist”, 

You can see an example of this in my . Here’s the code showing where i called the function that i defined:

def osuma (num1,num2): osuma


return suma 


def oresta (num1,num2): oresta


return resta


def omulti (num1,num2): omulti


return multi


def odiv (num1,num2): odiv


return div


def orem(num1,num2): orem

rem= num1%num2

return rem



num1 = int(input(“Give me a number: “)) 

num2 = int(input (“Give me another number: “))

i called every function i defined in order for the variable to take the functions value

su=osuma(num1,num2) i called osuma function i defined in order for the variable to take the function’s value

res=oresta(num1,num2) i called oresta function i defined in order for the variable to take the function’s value

mult=omulti(num1,num2) i called omulti function i defined in order for the variable to take the function’s value

di=odiv(num1,num2) i called odiv function i defined in order for the variable to take the function’s value

re=orem(num1,num2) i called orem function i defined in order for the variable to take the function’s value


print (“The sum of your numbers is”, su) 

print (“The difference of your numbers is”, res) 

print (“The product of your numbers is”, mult) 

print (“The division of your numbers is”, int(di)) 

print(“The remainder of the division of your numbers is”, int(re)) 


CC BY 4.0 #mastery11 Calling python functions by Gilberto Rogel García is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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