#mastery12 MASTERY 12


Mastery # 12 

Funtions are very helpful, when you are programming, this can simplify your code, and make it easy to re-use the same procedimient or funtion.
here’s a example about how to create python funtions.
def funtion(b,c): # this is the funtion, begins with def name(parameters)

if (b>c):
elif (b<c):
#here finish the funtion
b=int(input(print(" give me a number")))
c=int(input(print("give me another number")))
ans=funtion(b,c) # here the funtion is called and asigned to a variable
print(ans) # and here's were the funtion show us the results

CC BY 4.0 #mastery12 MASTERY 12 by Eutimio Machuca is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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