mastery24 Creation and use of tuples in Python

In this mastery I will talk about tuples.A tuple is a sequence of immutable Python objects, is like lists, but they have on especially diference, that ones yu create a tuple you can not modify but in lits you can. Also the sintax of tuples are parentheses and lists use square brackets.for example:


you can write strings,numbers is just like lists.

be careful when you just write one thing inside a tuple you have to write it like this:

tuple2=(“ice”,) ——> such is just one thing you have to add a comma to the end

To acces values in tuples  you have to use square brackets.for example:


print tuple[0]——–>the result will be “efrain”

print tuple[0:2]—–>the result will be [“efrain”,”duarte”,”lopez”]

this is counting beging form 0.

You cant modify a tuple but you can create a new tuple with other tuples like this:


tuple3 will be>>>(efrain”,”duarte”,”lopez”,20,”ice”)

Also the tuples respond to the + and * operators much like strings, and this operations will create a new tuple not just strings .For example the basic tuples operations:


print  lent(tuple4)——>resutl= 4

also we can use Concatenation,Repetition,Iteration.

an important point is that we can modify a list inside a tuple, but the tuple we can n ever touch it.

for more information here is a link its very helpful:

CC BY 4.0 mastery24 Creation and use of tuples in Python by Efrain Duarte is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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