#mastery25 #TC1017

C++ string is an object of the class string, which is defined in the header file and which is in the standard namespace. The string class has several constructors that may be called (explicitly or implicitly) to create a string object.


 string s1;               // Default constructor – creates an empty or null C++ string of length 0, equal to “”

  string s2(“hello”);      // Explicit constructor call to initialize new object with C string

  string s3 = “hello”;     // Implicit constructor call to initialize new object with C string

  string s4(s2);           // Explicit constructor call to initialize new object with C++ string

  string s5 = s2;          // Implicit constructor call to initialize new object with C++ string

Representation in Memory

Here is another example of declaring a C++ string:

 string name = “Karen”;

C++ string

name is a string object with several data members. The data member p is a pointer to (contains the address of) the first character in a dynamically-allocated array of characters. The data member length contains the length of the string. The data member capacity contains the number of valid characters that may currently be stored in the array.

A “null string” is a string with a length of 0:

Null C string

The length of a null string is 0.


25 1017

CC BY 4.0 #mastery25 #TC1017 by Mitzi Hernandez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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