Hey everybody! 

We have been working on the SUDOKU, currectly we have the basic code and now it just have some details to fix. One of the most difficult parts in my opinin was to print the text in color because we tried many different ways but it didn’t work until yesterday!!!

I’ll continue submmiting our progress.


If you have the same problem in cygwin try this:



using namespace std;


RED “x1b[31m”

GREEN “x1b[32m”

YELLOW “x1b[33m”

BLUE “x1b[34m”

PURPLE “x1b[35m”

SKY “x1b[36m”

WHITE “x1b[37m”

RED_BK      “x1b[41m”


int main()



cout<<RED<<“Hello, World”<<RED<<endl;

cout<<GREEN<<“Hello, World”<<GREEN<<endl;

cout<<YELLOW<<“Hello, World”<<YELLOW<<endl;

cout<<BLUE<<“Hello, World”<<BLUE<<endl;

cout<<PURPLE<<“Hello, World”<<PURPLE<<endl;

cout<<SKY<<“Hello, World”<<SKY<<endl;

cout<<WHITE<<“Hello, World”<<WHITE<<endl;

return 0;


CC BY 4.0 PROJECT by jairbarragan96 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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