#QUIZ10 #TC1017

In this QUIZ told us to make two functions. In the first we calculate the sum of just the numbers divisible by 3. In the second one calculate the dot product of two given vectors/arrays. Firs we declared(in the main) the arrays and then i made the function findThrees were the program calculate the sum of the numbers divisible by 3 that compose the array. in the dotProduct function the function recieve 2 arryas that are made in the main and then inside the function the dot product (sum of the product for each array) it´s calculated: EX:  If the input is {2,4,5,6} and {1,2,3,4} the result will be 49 since (2*1)+(4*2)+(5*3)+(6*4) is 49.


You can check the code in the following link.

Github link:


CC BY 4.0 #QUIZ10 #TC1017 by Pablo Guerra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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