Quiz11 Gone Bananas for Files

For this quiz I had to create 2 function the first that open a file and read it to get total value,the numbers of the values,average and the standard deviation. I used a for loop for read line by line in my program.

In the second function open and read a file and after that I create a for loop for read line by line and I used the lower case to identify the word “banana”

here are my solutions;

question 1: https://github.com/EfrainDuarte95/TC1014/blob/master/quiz11.py

question 2: https://github.com/EfrainDuarte95/TC1014/blob/master/2quiz11.py

there is a link that help me a lot: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/string_find.htm


CC BY 4.0 Quiz11 Gone Bananas for Files by Efrain Duarte is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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