solution for q2.cpp


Here is how to do exponentiation asking the user for two numbers:

The program should ask the user for two numbers “a” and “b”, and then, raise “a” to the power of “b”. In order to do this, we will be using 4 variables:

  • long a;
  • long b;
  • long power=1;
  • long counter=0; 

We will be using a “do, while” loop, therefore, we need a variable to use as a counter and asign to it the value of 0. 
After asking the user for both numbers a and b, you will create a “do while” loop that works (while counter < b), because we will need the loop to work until we get to the value of b.

Lets remember the formula for exponentiation: solution for q2.cpp  photo by:

Our do while loop, will multiply “a”, “b” times, which means that the loop should multiply “a x a” as many times as the variable “b” states.

Here is how it should look:





       }while(counter < b); 

After that you can print out the new value of your variable “power” in order to show your result. 

Here is a picture of the code and how it should run:

CC BY 4.0 solution for q2.cpp by carlos green is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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