The flipped clasroom #WSQ02

2 min read

I think the flipped classroom is much better than the traditional one. It encourages students like me to watch the lectures, do the exercices, study and read the books outside the classroom. Then, if you have any question, you can ask the teacher about it. The teacher create original videos about the content of the class, you watch them at home and then you reinforce what you learn with dinamical, fun and hands on expiriences at the classroom. That’s great compared to a boring class in which the teacher just talks and writes on the white board thinking that everyone needs some knowledge that many of them might already have. So the clasess get more students centered rather than teacher’s centered. The teacher spends most of the time in the students desk solving questions, helping or motivating us. That way, I feel like the teacher is an indispensable guide who can make my understanding of things a lot easier.
In coclusion, the class is for bookwork and home is for watching lectures. That way, there’s more time for the teacher to solve everybody’s doubts in the classroom and to apply quizzes and see who’s staying behind and why.

Here’s a great video I found that explains what the flipped class is not, because there are a lot of misconceptions about it.

Time to flip-learn!

CC BY 4.0 The flipped clasroom #WSQ02 by Alan Valdovinos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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