#WSQ002 #TC1014

Flipped Classrom.

A flipped classroom is a way for teachers to teach. In this model, the student learn the topic by self, doing lectures and problems about the topic and watching videos. Principally the student is the centered of the class.

My opinion about the flipped virtual is neutral, to be honest i think any method is good for teach. I can’t decide between these both for wich of this are better if I only use flipped class by 2 weeks. The only problem i think it could affect us is in this type of classes a lot of people don’t doing their job in house and  because of that we can’t use fine the time class.

I´m going to tell us one experience about when i had a flipped class, to be honest i did not know this model study untill i entered to university. The first time that i took this model was in introduction of mathematics the last semester just in 3 parcial. Until this partial i had a average of 54 points, before I´m working per 2 weeks, seeing videos, doing homework and reading the classbook I felt a little more confident with my knowledge. At the time for the final exam i had a 78/100. Sure, it dont been that I wanted, and the end my grade been 68. Alike was reprobator, but i learned a lot of benefits of this method.

About all of that i think practice this method in class, maybe can be a confident way to get good grades and learning by ourselves.

“Invierno en el corazón, primavera en los sentidos y otoño en la memoria por los veranos que se han ido.”

_ Ernesto Gutiérrez Valdés

#WSQ002 #TC1014

CC BY 4.0 #WSQ002 #TC1014 by ernestogtza00817392 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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