#WSQ02 Flipped Learning Review.

Since yesterday I was reading blogs and watching videos about Flipped Learning and I have some Pros and Cons about this method:


1.- It’s Easier to solve your questions because the teacher is there only to solve Questions.

2.- You can learn the way you prefer (Reading, watching, doing, etc).

3.- You can learn at your rhythm.

4.- You can rewind the videos all the times that you need.

and there is lots and lots of more Pros.


1.- If you don’t want to learn or you dont have dedication you are not going to learn.

2.- If you are lazy and don’t review  the classes you are going to fail.


For me The Flipped Method is better than the conventional method.

If you have any question or any affirmation for me send it to me Bro.

#WSQ02 It’s Done

#WSQ02 Flipped Learning Review.

#WSQ02 Flipped Learning Review.

CC BY 4.0 #WSQ02 Flipped Learning Review. by LuisNajera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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