WSQ03 Fun with numbers

1 min read

Here´s my code for  the activity “Fun with numbers”

// Fun with numbers 


using namespace std;

int main() {

int x;

int y;


cin >> x;


cin >> y;






return 0;


Here´s a screenshot of when I ran my program 

How to do it (explanation)

I started my code with #include  so I could actually perform inputs and outputs in C++ 

Then I wrote using namespace std;

Once you have done that you have to declare the function main in which you will write what is actually going to happen when you run the program. 

Then you have to declare your two variables using “int” because they will contain numerical values. 

Now you write the command “cout” to let the user know what you want her/him to do which in this case is two introduce a numerical value. 

Now you introduce in your code the command “cin” which is the input command in c++. This let the user introduce the values for the variables that we previously declared. 

Now you introduce the command “cout” again so you let the user know what mathematica operation is taking place. You have to write that text in quotes and then you just indicate the operation that you want to do with your variables using c++ operators (+ – * / %). 

Remember to always use semicolon at the end of each sentence in your code (except for the first one and when declaring the variable main). 

At the end you just write return 0; in order to finish your program.

I found this web page very helpful It explains how C++ works from its very basics and it provides a lot of  code examples which are also explained line by line. 

On the left side of the page you will find “Basics of C++” and I especially checked variables and types, operators, and Basic input/output. #TC1017 #WSQ03 

CC BY 4.0 WSQ03 Fun with numbers by Jesús Tostado is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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