#WSQ06 Pick a Number

This is my “Pick a Number” program, in which the computer thinks in a number between one and a hundred. The user will try to guess the number. When the user finally get it, the computer will show the number of attemps.




using namespace std;

int main()


int A, B, C =0;

srand (time(NULL));

B = 1 + rand ()%100;

while (A!=B)



cout<<“Guess a number between 1 and 100.”<<endl;

cin >>A;



cout<<“ÑO… Too low :´( “<<endl;


else if (A>B)


cout<<“ÑO… Too high :´(“<<endl;




cout<<“GOOD, GOOOOOOOOOOD”<<endl;


if (C>5)


cout<<“You suck, you take “<<C<<” attemps.”<<endl;




cout<<“Well done, you take “<<C<<” attemps.”<<endl;


return 0;


CC BY 4.0 #WSQ06 Pick a Number by José Enríquez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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