#WSQ09 #TC1014 #LaNieveDeColimaExploto #PenguinLove

In this WSQ you will have to ask the user for a number but it does not have to be negative becuse the you will not be able to calculate the factorial number, this is not a complicated code you just need to use while so it copletes the cicle.

You will also need an acumulator, so in this image you will see how I use  this details.

Here is th GitHub link:https://github.com/chocotorroblue/WSQ-S/commit/e9567d20fae2fb5f06b0afcc0999fda57c18ddb6

CC BY 4.0 #WSQ09 #TC1014 #LaNieveDeColimaExploto #PenguinLove by Omar Chavez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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