#WSQ10 #NETO #TC1014


This program going to ask to the user for 10 numbers and then going to lend to the screen the next: Total, average and standar deviation.

For example: The numbers of the list is: 1,1,1,1,1.

Total: 5, Average: 1, StandDev: 0.75983823

Enjoy the program, and if you have any question about that, dont doubt asking me.

Next, I share the image of the program working.

#WSQ10 #NETO #TC1014

(If you want to see the image in full screen, clik on the image).

Here is my code in GitHub, i hope help you 🙂.

Soon I will going to update this post with the steps to make this program run.
Best regards.

_Ernesto Gutiérrez Valdés

#WSQ10 #NETO #TC1014

CC BY 4.0 #WSQ10 #NETO #TC1014 by ernestogtza00817392 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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