#WSQ2 What is flipped learning? #TC1017

I betcha’ve heard of this flipped learning thing. But how much do you really know about it?

Flipped learning consists of doing what people call “flip the classroom around.” The students learn on their own by researching and looking up stuff on the internet. “We didn’t have that internet bullhickey back in my day” said old Mr. Kramer, “We had to go to the library and read ten books looking for the answer to a single question!”. And well… Mr. Kramer’s right. That’s the way it was back in the day. But we now have access to this inmense collection of information and all in but a few seconds!

But ppr… What does the teacher do? Does he sit on his butt all day? Well why, no! The teacher helps the students out by solving doubts and planifying excersices, problems, activities and so on; so that students are able to understand and master the topic to their fullest extent. The teacher may even provide the necessary materials for the students to do their “research” such as videos, articles, images, diagrams, etc. With this, the teacher not only helps the students learn, but he also helps them be responsible and to know their own limits.

Flipped learning is a very successful system that is getting more and more attention. It has many advantages over traditional teaching, many of which can be seen in this video.

I know the system pretty well, I’ve been studying under it for around 4 years now. So I talk from experience: suggest it at your school if they don’t use it there, or use it if you’re a teacher and you’re having trouble having your students get excited or understand a topic in specific.

As a very wise Steve Jobbs would say:

Stay hungry, stay foolish. 

Hector (AKA ppr580).

CC BY 4.0 #WSQ2 What is flipped learning? #TC1017 by Héctor Islas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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