Author Archives: Antonio Yosefat Juárez Quintero

Using the conditionals If, Elif and Else #Mastery15 #Mastery16 #Mastery17

In this video I showed how to use the conditionals If, Elif and Else. As in the video of the functions, I did many masteries in a single video because I thought that doing it that way would be easier to explain, it is kind of tricky but I hope you all get my point or my way of explaining it, even though that my pronunciation isn’t good xD


Antonio Yosefat Juárez Quintero


Using loops with While #Mastery19 #TC1014

In this video I showed how to use while in Python, kinda tricky but really useful.


Antonio Yosefat Juárez Quintero


Creating and Calling a function #Mastery11 #Mastery12 #TC1014

In this video I showed how to create and call a function, I did two masteries in the same video because I just couldn’t show if the way I created the function was right so I tought that also calling it and showing both at the same time was the best way for doing it 🙂


Antonio Yosefat Juárez Quintero A01228128

Leaving Comments in a Python Code #Mastery07 #TC1014

Here is a video showing how to leave a comment in a Python3 code.


Antonio Yosefat Juárez Quintero


Basic Output in Python #Mastery10 #TC1014

Here is a video showing how to use the Basic Output in Python.


Antonio Yosefat Juárez Quintero


Runing a Python File from the command line #Mastery01 #TC1014

I just recorded a video showing how to run a Python3 file from the command line.

Antonio Yosefat Juárez Quintero



On To Functions #WSQ08 #TC1014

In this activity we had to do the same as the “Fun with numbers” WQS but in this case, we had to use functions instead of simply printing the results. 

First we have to introduce ourselves into the Functions usage, personally I found it easy to understand reading this article:‘s_Tutorial_for_Python_3/Defining_Functions

Then we have to do the same prosses as before in the WSQ03, I explained it well in my code so here it is.


Antonio Yosefat Juárez Quintero


Temperature #WSQ05 #TC1014

In this program I asked the user to give me a temperature in Fahrenheit so I could convert it to Celcious and then tell the user if the water would boil at that temperature.

So, in order to make my program, I had to search in the book about the usage of if and else in my program, also, browsed about the usage of the conditions.


Antonio Yosefat Juárez Quintero


An About Page #WSQ04 #TC1014

You can find information about me at

Antonio Yosefat Juárez Quintero


Fun With Numbers #WSQ03 #TC1014

Finished the WSQ03, which consisted in using the same 2 numbers 5 different operations, adding, difference between them, etc. For doing this activity I read the book to learn how to declare a variable and assignate a value to it, browsed if I had a bit of trouble or asked a friend who already know how to program in python.


Antonio Yosefat Juárez Quintero