Author Archives: Antonio Yosefat Juárez Quintero

Flipped Learning #WSQ02 #TC1014

Flipped Learning


Flipped Learning, as it’s name says, is the contradictory part of the ordinary learning system (Teacher – Student). Flipped Learning consist in giving the student a little guide for the learning topics for their course, giving them the materials (Books, links, etc.) and letting them learn as fast as they want. It’s is like letting the student discover by their own the subjects they need to learn.

Personaly, I think that this is a better way to learn, first of all, I don’t feel the preasure as I feel in other classes, another thing that I found interesting during my first parcial, I read the book and tried to do the things by my own, they didn’t go well at first but while practicing I learned a lot by trial and error, which helped me a lot, also, I feel like I have more time to do my things and do my homework at weeked, in conclusion, I really like the new Flipped learning system, Pretty nice/cool. 🙂

Antonio Yosefat Juárez Quintero




1 min read

Twitter: @YosefatJQ

GitHub: YosefatJQ

I signed page one: #WSQ00




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