Author Archives: Omar Chavez

#Mastery12 #TC1014 #LaNieveDeColimaExploto #PenguinLove

Here is the video of Mastey number 12.


#Mastery11 #TC1014 #LaNieveDeColimaExploto #PenguinLove

Here is my Mastery number 11 that is how to call python funtions and here it is a clear example, so to call a funtion you just have to put it like this def rest(x,y): after you do this you just put whatever you would like to put inside the funtion. I know I am no expert so I will leave a link were you can find very useful information about this.


#WSQ13 #TC1014 #LaNieveDeColimaExploto #PenguinLove

Heres is my WSQ number#13 as always the link:

And the image:


#Mastery09 #TC1014 #LaNieveDeColimaExploto #PenguinLove

This Mastery is for you to learn the basic types and their use in python, since I am no expert here i will leave a link to a page that explains the basic types in a very nice way.

You need to know the basic types that are: integer, float, string, tuples, lists and dictionary.

Here is the link were it is explained in a very good way.


#Mastery08 #TC1014 #LaNieveDeColimaExploto #PenguinLove

Here is my video of the Mastery:

#Mastery04 #TC1014

Heres is the link of my video:

#WSQ12 #TC1014 #LaNieveDeColimaExploto #PenguinLove

Here is my WSQ 12 that is the Greatest common divisor, you have to put the greatest common divisor by using the Euclid´s algorythm.

Here is my GitHub link:

This may help you:

The image:

#WSQ10 #TC1014 #LaNieveDeColimaExploto #PenguinLove

Here is my WSQ number 10 so here is what you have to do:

You have to create a program that ask´s the user for 10 numbers and then you have to store those numbers in a list, then the avarage of those numbers and the standard deviation.

Here is my GitHub link:

The image:

#WSQ09 #TC1014 #LaNieveDeColimaExploto #PenguinLove

In this WSQ you will have to ask the user for a number but it does not have to be negative becuse the you will not be able to calculate the factorial number, this is not a complicated code you just need to use while so it copletes the cicle.

You will also need an acumulator, so in this image you will see how I use  this details.

Here is th GitHub link:

#Mastery17 #TC1014 #LaNieveDeColimaExploto #PenguinLove

This mastery is about how to use elif I think that the image it´s very self-explanatory because elif it´s else and if in one word so it is use to put conditionals inside if and dont put just else and if like ther is no tomorrow.