Author Archives: Osvaldo Mendoza


Hello class here is my for  


here is my code

A video explaining about this topic (in spanish)


Hello, I have done my in , wich is bucle “for”


I am going to explain a little what I did:

A cicle For is compost by three elements: initialization, condition and increment/decrement  and after this you will construct the body of the bucle.

 int a;

for(num1=0; num1<10; num1++) {

cout <<“Hello”>> endl;



my program is here:


Hello class I have done wich is about cicle “while”, so what this do is to do some instructions in a cicle while the condition is true, when its becomes false the cicle finish.

So I will give leave the link of my program which prints a number 10 times because the condition is that.

This is the program:


Hello everybody, this activity is about importing libraries.


So eache time we create a program we have to import libraries, or example this:


<iostream>    (this one is to make an input and an output)


and as you can remember we have used more libriries for example in WSQ06, for example:




so when we do this, we are importing like tools that we need for the program, and each of this library has it.




Hello class, in I am going to show how to call a funtion, so when we have already created a funtion we can call it in the program to do not do a very long program, I have made a program for mastery11 and 12 wich is the same because we can explain the two in one program, so in this case I am going to show ypu all the program, the first part I create the funtion, and as you can see in the second part afte int main() I called it.

as you can see when I do the operation I called the funtion of the program.


Hello class this activity is to know how to create a funtion, so have seen some videos and I could understand better how to create one and how they work, so I am going to leave an example of a simple funtion of a product that I made.


Creating a funtion


Hello class, I have already done wich is do some operations with funtions, how does it works? well when we create a funtion we can reduce our program a lot, because we can call the funtion every time we want, and in this way we don have do a program many time in our program, and this is what we did here, 

Fisrt of all we have to create a funtion of the add, difference, product, division, and remainder.

After that we will call each funtion in the program to do de operations

At the end we will just print the result in the screen.


You can see my program in the next link:


I saw some videos in youtube to do this activity


Hello class, I have done where I have to be working with Switchs, so this works like packages, if you push something, this package will do something, and you can use switch inside to another switch, like this program that I have already done:


Hello class, I have already done my mastery#10, I just have to show the ability to make an input and an output in C++

 The procedure is the next one:


First of all you need to declare a variable (I declaraded a string because it is a text),  like this:



string name;


After that you will ask for something; in this program I asked for a name, so I will write:


cout <<“Give your name”; cin >> name;  //What this do is ask and save the name.


At the end you need to print the name like this:


cout <<“Your name is: “<<name<<“”<< endl

return 0;


Whit this I am going to print the text. and that’s it! 🙂


My program is in the next link:



Hello, I am going to explain how to do a post in known and in github.


Well, of course we need to create a count in each one, wich is very easy to do, just follow the steps.


For known:

You will go to your blog, in mi case my blog´s name is engineering, so I will go there and I have to type where it says “post”, there you will find a sapce where to write, and in there you can put a title of your post and a description, in this blog the description´s space is very nice because it looks like an editor text, so you have a lot of tools to work with your text, and furthermpre you can add as a complement some images in your blog.


For Github:

You need to enter to github, there, on the right top it says “create new”, you will type it , and after that in “New Repostery”, so you will go to a page where you can wirte your post, when you finish it you only need to click in “create repostery”, so there you will get a link of your post, wich is very nice


Well, this is all, thanks class! 🙂