Author Archives: Samir Godinez


Hi guys here’s my

I had some problems because, I had some mistakes, but my compiler in Windows let me run the program and actually gave me the correct answer. So I have to swich to work in my mac and fix the problem.

here´s my code.


Hi guys!, here’s my work of factorial, this is my first version and I made it with loops. Actually this version was very easy, I upload the functions version in a moment.

Here’s the code




Hi guys this mastery is about  importing libraries. Every time that we create a new pogram we need declarate libraries e.g.:

Libraries haves a lot of functions made, and every librarie have ther own utilities.

Basicly to declare a library we need to put in the star of program like this:

 <iostream>    (thos is to make an input and an output)


 <ctime>(this we used for an activity for random numer)


This webpage have a lot of libraries and references is very useful. 

#mastery04 Github and RSS

Hi guys here’s my , here’s the link to my RSS blog in Ken’s blog. And here is the example of a file upload to Github. And here’s a video that I just made to teach hot to do this.


Hi guys here’s a video where I teach how to do a conticional while.

Functions #wsq08

I just have to see Ken’s video of the week.

Here’s the code

Input and outputs (text based)

Hi guys, here’s a video, where I explain how to use Input and outputs with text and variable string.

Sorry for the noise, but I coul not found, other place (I’m in the Library).

Else tutorial

Hi guys I just made a video where I try to teach you, how to make an IF- ELSE conditinal in C++ 

here’s the video.

IF Tutorial

Hi guys I just made a video where I try to teach you, how to make an IF conditinal in C++ IF Tutorial.

Sorry for my very bad english! I will ask Ken, if I can do this in spanish!

Use of conditinal “if”

Hey Guys!, here’s my , I learned use if conditional in remedial, actually in Hish School too.

It’s the same code that I use in other program. The code is here.