Tag Archives: #Mastery07

Use of comments C++

(Tutorial en español,

Los comments para un programa en C++ son utilisados para poder insertar lineas de texto que no alteran para nada el programa, pero que si sirven para dar en cierta manera “notas” acerca de tu programa a programadores en tu codigo fuente. 

Para poder usarlos nada mas hay que incertar un doble slash (//) y empezar a comenzar a escribir. Solo 2 precauciones: Lo que se ponga despues de esas dos lineas se convierte en un comment, asi que si pones esas dos lineas de slash en medio del codigo se convierte en comment y no lo reconoce el programa.

La segunda precaucion es que para poder terminar el comment tienes que dar un ENTER para terminar esa linea de escritura y saltar a la siguiente linea y terminar ese comment.

Inspirado de esta pagina: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/program_structure/ y para mas tutoriales visiten: http://www.cplusplus.com/

Uso de los comments

Mastery 07

norwayadvs 2015-02-20 17:18:35

Put Comments

Use of “Switch”

#Mastery07 #TC1017 comments!!!

Hello Everybody!! I hope you will enjoy this video about how to put comments on C++

Is very easy you only have to put // to diagonal .

Remeber This not appear when you are running the code in the compilator!! 😀 






the use of comments is very simple the only thing you gotta is: in any part of your code if you want to insert a comment add //

after the ( // ) you can write normally without affecting the code at all, 

the use of comments is for the programmer for a better and quick debbugin 

Tutorial on Mastery 07

Here in a link to my tutorial on Mastery 07! Hope you Enjoy!
















Use of comments in Python

Comments in Python are used to write something that you think may be useful to know in the future for you, or for somebody checking your code. You could also just write random stuff in that comment, it’s there for anything that you’d want to do with it.

To put a comment you only need to write a “#” and the text.Mastery07



how to write comments in c++.

video, again.



#mastery07 #TC1017

to know how to comment on my program without affecting anything, my partner Paul told me how.