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#Mastery30 #TC1014

30 1014

This video is about reading files in python

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Mastery 30

Visualization of data with tools C++

Create portable and high performance C++ graphical user interfaces (Base Product)
Menus, buttons, text fields, toolbars, tables, trees, spreadsheets, Gantt displays, SCADA displays, custom graphic objects

Views Charts
High performance C++ charts for Views developers
Bar, line, point, area, stair, high-low, stacked, bubble, pie charts, and real-time monitoring, performance analysis

Views Graph Layout
Add diagram displays with automatic graph layout to Views applications
Network topologies, flowcharts, processes, organization charts, call graphs, schematics, hierarchies

Views Maps
High performance map displays for Views developers
Geographic map background, custom data-aware symbols, vector and raster maps

Views Data Access
Easy data connectivity for Views user interface controls
Data-aware controls

DB Link
Portable C++ database connectivity components for Views applications
Database and platform independence

Represent GUI elements and topology as shared in-memory services
Connecting supervision GUI



1017 30

Mastery 30

La siguiente mastery se trata de explicar lo que es un sistema de visualización de datos por herramientas.

el sistema de datos por herramientas es un software libre, libremente disponible para la realización de gráficos 3D por computadora, procesamiento de imagen y visualización. VTK consiste en una biblioteca de clases de C++ y varias capas de interfaz interpretadas como Tcl/Tk, Java, y Python.


Kitware, cuyo equipo creó y sigue ampliando el Kit de herramientas, ofrece apoyo profesional y servicios de consultoría para VTK. VTK soporta una amplia variedad de algoritmos de visualización como: escalar vector Euclides, tensor, textura y métodos volumétricos; y avanzadas técnicas de modelado como: modelado implícito, reducción de polígonos, suavizado de malla (mesh smoothing), corte, contorneado y triangulación de Delaunay. VTK tiene un amplio marco de visualización de la información, cuenta con un conjunto de widgets de interacción 3D, soporta el procesamiento en paralelo y se integra con diversas bases de datos de herramientas GUI como Qt y Tk. VTK es multiplataforma y se ejecuta en plataformas Linux, Windows, Mac y Unix. VTK también incluye soporte auxiliar de widgets de interacción 3D, anotación bi y tridimensional y computación paralela. En su núcleo VTK es implementado como un conjunto de herramientas de C++, exigiedo a los usuarios crear aplicaciones combinado varios objetos en una aplicación. El sistema también soporta ajuste automatizado del núcleo de C++ en Python, Java y Tcl, para que también se puedan escribir aplicaciones VTK utilizando estos lenguajes de programación interpretados.

30 1017

Mastery 30

Reading and writing of files in Python

Link to my Youtube video:

Mastery 30

Reading and writing of files in Python

Link to my Youtube video:

Mastery 30

Reading and writing of files in Python

Link to my Youtube video:

Reading and writing of files in Python

For reading and writing of files in python, the first thing you need to do is to get a file object, using the “open” function.

The open function has two parameter, the first one is the name of the file that we are creating and the other parameter is going to check if you are going to read(r) or write(w) the file. Now to write inside the file you need to write the name of the object we just created followed by a dot with the word “write” adn you open parenthesis where you are going to write the text.It is important to point out that the end line is given by “/n”. To save it we just have to close our object.

this is the syntax: file = open(“newfile.txt”, “w”)

                                           file.write(“hello worldn”)

                                           file.write(“this is another linen”)


the object name is file and the text file is example.

Now we know how to use write(), I can explain read().

read() is used for reading the text file. The syntax is very simple like with the write() method, just where we wrote “w” now we have to write “r”.

this is the syntax of this:

                                              file = open(‘newfile.txt’, ‘r’)

                                              print file.read()


In this example it shows us the two parameters, the first one tells us what the text file is going to open and the second parameter tells us what is going to do. In this case “r” means that is going to read. Print means that when you are in the terminal, it will print the text that is in the file. In this case it will print:

                                              hello world 
                                              this is another line

We can also specify how many characters the string should return, by using
file.read(n), where “n” determines the number of characters.

This reads the first 5 characters of data and returns it as a string.

In this case, it will print : hello

I learned all this stuff on this web page, you may want to check it out:  http://www.pythonforbeginners.com/files/reading-and-writing-files-in-python



Reading and writing of files in Python


For reading and writing of files in python, the first step is to get a file object, and how we do this? well using the open” function.

The open function has two parameter, the first one is the name of the file that we are creating and the other parameter is going to check if you are going to read(r) or write(w) the file. Now for write inside of the file.write the name of the object we created followed by a dot with the word “write” adn you open parenthesis where you are going to write the text.Also is important to mark that the end line character is given by “/n”.And for save it we have to close our object.

this is the syntax: file = open(“newfile.txt”, “w”)

                                           file.write(“hello world in the new filen”)

                                           file.write(“and another linen”)


the object name is file and the text file is example.

Now we know how to use write(), I can explain read().

usisng read() is use it for read the text file. the syntax is very simple like in write() method, just where we wrote “w” now we have to write “r”.

this is the syntax of this:

                                              file = open(‘newfile.txt’, ‘r’)

                                              print file.read()


In this example show us the two parameters, the first one tell us what text file is going to open and the second parameter tell us what is going to do, in this case “r” means that is going to read.And print mean that when you are in the terminal will print the text that is in the file. In this case it will print:

                                              hello world in the new file
                                              and another line

We can also specify how many characters the string should return, by using
file.read(n), where “n” determines number of characters.

This reads the first 5 characters of data and returns it as a string.

this will print : hello

I have learned all of these here: http://www.pythonforbeginners.com/files/reading-and-writing-files-in-python.

Learn To Program 2015-04-24 18:47:00


Python cuenta con una clase llamada “file” que nos permite crear, escribir y leer datos de un archivo de texto; presisamente los modos de operacion de la clase “file”:

  • r = Abrir el archivo para lectura (el archivo debe existir)
  • w =Crea un archivo y lo abre
  • a = Abre el archivo para escribir. Se crea si no existe. Solo agregará datos al final.

Programa hecho en Python:

Learn To Program 2015-04-24 18:47:00


Python cuenta con una clase llamada “file” que nos permite crear, escribir y leer datos de un archivo de texto; presisamente los modos de operacion de la clase “file”:

  • r = Abrir el archivo para lectura (el archivo debe existir)
  • w =Crea un archivo y lo abre
  • a = Abre el archivo para escribir. Se crea si no existe. Solo agregará datos al final.

Programa hecho en Python: