Tag Archives: #QUIZ09


Here are my answers for the second partial exams!:

1st answer: https://github.com/grgc25/Tareas/blob/master/partial2_1.py

2nd answer:

3rd answer:

4th answer:

What are they about?:

1st is about the distance between 2 points

2nd is about “drawing” a triangle

3rd is about elevateing a number at another number´s power

4th is about fibonacci!


4 solutions



4 solutions



4 solutions



For this post I had to upload the correct solutions for my partial 2 exam. As I had all the problems correct, I didnt have to do nothing than uploading them to my GitHub account.

Here are the links to my solutions:

q1: https://github.com/Manuelmv94/Quizz09/blob/master/q1.py

q2: https://github.com/Manuelmv94/Quizz09/blob/master/q2.py

q3: https://github.com/Manuelmv94/Quizz09/blob/master/q3.py

q4: https://github.com/Manuelmv94/Quizz09/blob/master/q4.py


#QUIZ09 Solutions

I just have two misstake in the problem 2 and 3 problem.

For the first one I had help from my teacher, it just that it print “none”, so I have to call jus the fucntion, without print.

For the second I add a for loop, it was very easy, it just that I didnt read the instruction correctly.

here is my repository wich there are all my solutions: https://github.com/EfrainDuarte95/quiz09

 problem 1:https://github.com/EfrainDuarte95/quiz09/blob/master/q1.py

problem 2:https://github.com/EfrainDuarte95/quiz09/blob/master/q2.py

problem 3:https://github.com/EfrainDuarte95/quiz09/blob/master/q3.py

problem 4:https://github.com/EfrainDuarte95/quiz09/blob/master/q4.py

#Quiz09 #TC1014

So I found the correct solution for ejercise number 2 and 4 of the exam. I also posted ejercise 1 and 3.

Github link:


#QUIZ09 Solutions #TC1014

Codes: here


#Quiz09 #TC1014 #LaNieveDeColimaExploto #PenguinLove #TepaEsLaLey #QueTeReviento

En este link encontraras los ejercicios del examen de segundo parcial para el quiz 09



I just made the Now I noticed what are my errors on the exam

Link of the Repository : https://github.com/Julio1229898/Quiz9/tree/master