Tag Archives: #TC107

#TC107 This #WSQ01 is a pain of head for my but at the same time is a good challenge for me. I really want to

#TC107 This #WSQ01 is a pain of head for my but at the same time is a good challenge for me. I really want to know how ti use Linux, but the USB Live is a good way to try to get linux in your laptop/pc (in my case in a surface pro) but in the Surface pro have a rare Bios. And now I trie to make a virtual machine with Linux Ubuntu 14.04 and a video that help to me is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-GA2Z2Kc9U

#mastery03 My twitter is @Abdulensio and Github is A01229754 #TC107

#mastery03 My twitter is @Abdulensio and Github is A01229754 #TC107


1 min read

my github account is https://github.com/ivannalb, and my twitter acount is @IvannaLases #Mastery03 #TC107