Tag Archives: #WSQ05



Aqui esta el código y la foto de lo que hice para convertir grados fahrenheit a centígrados y definir si a esa temperatura el agua hierve o no! Utilice condicionales “if” y “else if” para ver si hierve o no a esa temperatura. Supe como hacerlo por un amigo que me enseño a utilizar esas condiciones y después lo corrí y sí funcionó el programa.

Aquí esta el codigo que utilicé: https://github.com/fernandoaguirrer/TC1017/blob/master/WSQ05.md


Here is my code for  “temperature”


#WSQ05 at #TC1017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgc7PSUIkQ4

For my , temperature conversions from Farenheit to Celcius degrees, using the if and else conditionals allows me to say if the water would boil at the given temperature! Remember to share the video with anyone interested on learning C++! Thank you for reading and watching! Follow this link to the video!

Temperature, WSQ05.

For this WSQ I made a program which is able to convert a given temperature in farenheit to celsius and it also tells you if water is able to boil at that given temperature.

I receive a friend’s help on how to use the use if conditional on python.


If you want to take a look about how it works, there’s my code for you to look!





WSQ05 – Temperature

This is very fun and complicate but i´m traning! 🙂



Temperature #WSQ05


1 min read

Hey! this is my in

The main difficult that I had was: how and where to put the formula so it can run the program. I tried a lot of times in different places but, I realize that if you put it just before of “cout” of, in this case, the Celsius degrees, the program runs. Also I had to read the chapter 4 of the book provided by the teacher in section “4.2 Conditional execution” to know the syntax of the conditional “if”.


Here’s my code and the terminal runs the program.

 WSQ05 code