Tag Archives: WSQs


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This program seen here uses fuctions in a fun way to determine weather a number is a palindrome or not.

in this program the number will count as a palindrome if it can become a palindrome, example:

#WSQ1111 = palindrome 

31= (31+13=44) =palindrome


The only way that a number will be considered a non palindrome by this program is if it takes +30 steps to turn into a palindrome.


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This program seen here uses fuctions in a fun way to determine weather a number is a palindrome or not.

in this program the number will count as a palindrome if it can become a palindrome, example:

#WSQ1111 = palindrome 

31= (31+13=44) =palindrome


The only way that a number will be considered a non palindrome by this program is if it takes +30 steps to turn into a palindrome.


Click here to see code

This program seen here uses fuctions in a fun way to determine weather a number is a palindrome or not.

in this program the number will count as a palindrome if it can become a palindrome, example:

#WSQ1111 = palindrome 

31= (31+13=44) =palindrome


The only way that a number will be considered a non palindrome by this program is if it takes +30 steps to turn into a palindrome.


This program is all about lists. Click here to see the code

It has some fuctions made by me and a couple of while loops to make things easy.

I used the python documentation to help me do it. check python documentation on lists.



This program is all about lists. Click here to see the code

It has some fuctions made by me and a couple of while loops to make things easy.

I used the python documentation to help me do it. check python documentation on lists.



This program is all about lists. Click here to see the code

It has some fuctions made by me and a couple of while loops to make things easy.

I used the python documentation to help me do it. check python documentation on lists.


Lists #WSQ10 #TC1014

Well, here’s my code of this program


Lists #WSQ10 #TC1014

Lists #WSQ10 #TC1014


click here for code

in this program we are doing the factorial multiplication of a number:

I crated a fuction to do so, using a counter and an accumulator within a loop. the program also uses many while and if statements, so the program ca repeat itself until the user wants to stop.



click here for code

in this program we are doing the factorial multiplication of a number:

I crated a fuction to do so, using a counter and an accumulator within a loop. the program also uses many while and if statements, so the program ca repeat itself until the user wants to stop.


Factorial Calculator #WSQ09 #TC1014

Este programa funciona como si hicieras math.factorial(), ya que con esta función multiplicas el número dado por el usuario bajando uno a uno multiplicándolos hasta llegar al número 1, Ejemplo: 5*4*3*2*1= 120 así funciona este programa.


Factorial Calculator #WSQ09 #TC1014

Factorial Calculator #WSQ09 #TC1014