

About the 2 first readings, I believe they are correct. I mean, the first lecture, all those students talking about their experience in college with different teachers and different courses, but they all agree with the wrong attitude of some teachers.
And about the second blog, that was kind of the same experience I had on my high school, because I needed an average of 95 or higher to get into MedSchool in the UdeG, but at the end I chose IMD at Tec. In that moment I realized that half I was trying too hard to get those grades, and I was learning less.
So it is important to have the posture of this blogs and articles, the learning it is the most important thing in the education.

#WSQ03 -Fun with numbers

numbersIn this assignment we had to create a programm that gave you the result of a sum, difference, product, and division from 2 numbers that you typed.

So first I wrote the usual stuff of

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

Then I asked my friend Miguel how to put the values that you type into the “x” & “y”. He told me that we need to use cin >> so the programm knows that you will give the value of that integer.
After that, I was all like pure algebra.

Captura de pantalla 2016-02-15 a las 17.44.41At the end, do not forget to write return 0, because we are using an int main function, so it need to be return 0, at the end.

Here’s also the link to my GitHub.




First I asked my friend Miguel which program does he use. Because I have a Mac Computer and also he does, I installed Atom. Because it looks cool.

Then I installed xCode from de AppStore, to be able to run the GNU C++ compiler (g++). [I guess thats the reason].

The Mac already has the Terminal, so I didn’t need to download it again.

And I believe that was all.

Captura de pantalla 2016-01-26 a las 12.10.08.png