Course Review

How was this course for me… I like it, because it was different to the others courses that i had this semester. In this course I learned to work by myself and to manage my time to do all the stuff in time because the teacher didn’t teach you anything, to finish the homework you need to searched all the things that you will use on the program (of course if you need help with something the teacher will help you but he never tells you how to do it). I would like to have more courses like this one in the future, for me it’s a better way to learn cause all the things that you learn stay more in your mind because you had a hard time doing it.



The function should receive two integers and return an integer.Obviously you should test your function, so create a main program that asks the user for two values, calculates the gcd and displays that.


Here is a link to the code in Github.


Here is a picture of the code:



WSQ12 – Word Count


Create a program that asks the user for a word which will be your search word and the name of a file to open and search for that word. Then create a function that will receive two parameters (both string) representing those two data points. This function returns the number of occurrences of that word in that file.

Here is a picture of the code:



Here is a link to the code in Github.

Python/WSQ-12 (Word Count)

Quiz 7

Hey guys is the LAST quiz!   Thank you God.

images (2)

This was an easy one, we will calculate the dot product of a list of numbers. As we have seen we need an array to take the list and a simple for to make the rest of the job .


First I create a function wich receives the lis of numbers and calculate the product of each corresponding number and at the same time it adds the prducts.

After that you just need to take the lis of numbers on the main part and it is ALL.


After the Ending

The last post of the course, yet this feels just like the beginning of my whole life. This time Ken let us be all nostalgic about the course instead of a standar quiz. Which is great since I was going to do this anyway. Sadly, I also have to put a video of this if I want to score a 100% about this. Therefore, you will have the pleasure to hear my Indian English accent at the end of the post even though I am 100% mexican.


As it may be known, I started the first semester of my career life, and this started with a 0% knowledge of it. This means that I did not even know how to print “Hello World” until now. Therefore, I was highly nervious about this course since I felt as I was going to fail it. Hopefully, a project called #AbolishGrades came from heaven to save my life. Not because I am lazy, but because this is a better style of grading. In Mexico, and several other countries,  we are graded by how much can we memorize and copy & paste it on an exam, yet we forget all about it at the end of the semester. We are even restricted to a limited number of absences. This project vanish all that learning syle since we are graded acording to what we have truly learned. I felt no pressure nor stress about not knowing how to code since this project gave me a chance to truly learn Python by little steps.

Now lets talk about the way Ken Bauer developed this course. If you grade Ken with the qualities a professor needs, Ken would show demonstrate that he deserves to be there. I mean, he clearly know about the course material as well

The Empyrean.png

Continue reading “After the Ending”

Quiz 7


Heeeeeellooooo people. And here I am, posting about the last quiz of this semester. I have to accept that I’m not a lover of the quizes buttt, they made me practice and learn a lot. In this quiz we had to make a program that calculates the dot product (or scalar product of vectors) for the numbers that the user choose.

First of all, What is the dot product?

A little explanation:

Scalar Product of Vectors

The scalar product and the vector product are the two ways of multiplying vectors which see the most application in physics and astronomy. The scalar product of two vectors can be constructed by taking the component of one vector in the direction of the other and multiplying it times the magnitude of the other vector. This can be expressed in the form:

If the vectors are expressed in terms of unit vectors i, j, and k along the x, y, and z directions, the scalar product can also be expressed in the form:

The scalar product is also called the “inner product” or the “dot product” in some mathematics texts.


So, we have to create two lists and the dot product has to multiply the N number of one list to the N number of the second list. It has to look like that:

LIST 1                              LIST 2

1                    x                       6                    =6
3                    x                       8              


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Quiz #7 The dot number

For this quiz we had to do the Dot number of 2 series of numbers, therefore you needed to create 2 arrays where the numbers were inputed, then the numbers are multiplied. The first of each array then the second, and that way until it’s done; finally you add them and that’s the dot number. Mostly used with Vectors.

But first the program will ask you for how many number you would like in each array.

Here it’s how it worksScreenshot18.1

And here is the code in case you might need it.


Quiz 07 “Dot Product”

One usually learns this chapter in Physics, were we are suppose to get the dot product of two vectors to later get the magnitude of such vector. This can be calculated by multipling the axis values of the first vector with the corresponding axis value of the second vector. Example: V1[x1 , y1 , z1] & V2[x2 , y2 , z2]  then Dp = [x1*x2,y1*y2, z1*z2]. And then the Magnitude is calculated by the square root of  the sum of the values squared. Or something like that, I do not know, do not ask me how I am doing in physics.


Why I am telling this? Because we have to make a program that does this for you of course! However, at the end, we are only going to calculate the sum of the Dot Product and not it’s magnitude, shame. Remember that you can check out Ken’s instructions with more precision in his TC101 blog post.

This was succesfully done by the use of two empty list that the user fills by using forin range and inputs inside that operation. After the two list are full, the program multiplies the content of the list by cardinality. Cardinality is used with the symble “[]” such as List1[Cardinality]. This means when cardinality = 1 then it will use the first value of list one and so on. We also had to make the use of conditionals since there is a possibility that the user has one list longer than the other. When that happens, there is a number that misses a pair from the other list to be multiplied by. In this case, the program returns ‘NaN’ which means ‘Not a Number’. This is how the program looks and runs, and remember to keep checking my Github since we


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