·SciLab· #WSQ 14

Qué rollo banda… jaja en este post les platicaré sobre este programa llamado Scilab. Para empezar, no pude descargarlo por cuestiones de seguridad que Apple se inventa en sus computadoras y toda esa onda aunque la verdad me dio flojera investigar más a fondo sobre cómo hacer que lo abriera pero en fin, busqué varios videos y aquí está mi reseña.

SciLab es un programa que puede ser de gran utilidad para cualquier área que involucre el análisis numérico. Nos permite crear gráficas en 2-d y 3-d así como cálculos de funciones y un sin fin de posibilidades hablando de las matemáticas.

Es muy interesante todo lo que puedes hacer con este programa, ya sea cuando tienes demasiado tiempo libre o cuando de verdad lo necesitas. Bueno, esto es todo para este post, estoy guardando las palabras de despedida para el próximo que será el último… Disculpen, me ganó  el lado sentimental…


Course Review


What do I think about the course, well this is amazing because Ken evaluates you by letting you evaluate yourself; how does this works, well in order to learn you need to search on the internet and ask your classmates around on how to solve problems. Ken told us that he wasn’t going to lecture us like every other class, that he wanted us to learn on ourselves. I wanted to say that this is the best course I have ever taken, because you measure your own intelligence by asking yourself how good have you been doing during, have you been doing all the assignments, and quizes. Also in order to grade ourselves we must create a blog post for each work we work on. My conclusion is that I think this way to teach might not work on everyone but on some of us who don’t like to depend on others, just on ourselves it’s a good way to learn; also it is said that students won’t attend to class if they can’t fail by not going to class, I was there everyclass and most students were always there, also when the class was over, many of us stayed later in order to end the assignments for the day. “IN KEN WE TRUST”


Say NO to lecturing, it’s boring


In case you would like to know more abou this kind of learning, check out this links:

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3




SciLab WSQ 14


Buen día clase, hoy les presentaré este programa. La verdad es que no he tenido mucho tiempo para explorar todas sus opciones pero si lo he manipulado para ejercicios de mate. Es muy bueno para las gráficas y funciones matemáticas. Además, también ayuda a trabajar con matrices, sus cálculos y otras respectivas operaciones.


WSQ #12 Word Count

This one was very difficult so I asked my friend Christian for his help, he is going to be a programmer so I thought he could help me figure out what to do; therefore I saw the way he did it in order to do it, I basically do it with him the whole time, because I wasn’t sure how to do it. It was hard :O but I did it finally. Here is the CODE in case you might need it.



Anyways, it was hard, but Christian made it easier, so I thank BatmanTec for coding.

·Exam 2· #WSQ 13

Aquí están mis programas del examen parcial. Debido a que esta semana me traen como esclavo (qué raro del Tec) con el taller vertical y proyectos finales, no les pondré una descripción de cómo hice cada programa. Solo el de fibonacci no lo he podido hacer con loop pero espero en un rato libre… Suerte en su taller vertical!

Programa 1: Crear un triángulo de T

Captura de pantalla 2016-04-19 a las 2.26.48 p.m.

Programa 2: Elevar un número a cierta potencia.

Captura de pantalla 2016-04-19 a las 2.27.56 p.m.

Programa 3: Sucesión de Fibonacci usando loop (en este caso es con recursion).

Captura de pantalla 2016-04-19 a las 2.33.00 p.m.

Programa 4: Ver si una palabra es palíndromo o no.

Captura de pantalla 2016-04-19 a las 2.34.37 p.m.

Quiz 05


Hi class, this quiz was an easy one. it has to parts, so let us start with it.

  1. the first part  we need to create a function called palindrome, this function will switch any character string and if it is the same we will call it palindrome

    We have tu include #include <string> in order to work with strings, and the main part is a for
    for( i= cadena.size()-1; i>=0; i–)
    cadena_inv += cadena.at(i);

    here is it, the for is going to order the character switched and downstairs we will evaluate with an if to know if it was a palindrome or not
    HERE IS THE CODE images (1)

  2. The second part is easier. The user will enter a range of numbers and we just have tu add the ones wich are divisible by three.
    Also is a for, but now we have an array, is like this
    for(int i=0; i<cant; i=i+1)
    n=n+numbers[i]; }

WSQ 11 – Yo Soy 196

Class, HERE IS A DIFFICULT ONE. just kidding


This time we will code about palindromes and lychrel numbers

MY CODE is not finished i have a little mistake but i have not found it.

The code is like this. You need to functions.

1) One is for the numbers to get switched
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcLQaL9-N7s here is the Video I used to learn about this

2) The second function is to evaluate in the range of number the user provides you if there is palindromes, lychrel numbers or no lychrel number


this link is where i understand what was a palindrome and lychrel number. Just take a look if you are as lost as i was

WSQ10 – Lists

Hi class, Im here with a new #WSQ

This time it is about a list of ten numbers, porvided by the user, and we will calculate the average and standard deviation of those numbers.



For this program Im using an array, this is like a box in wich you are introducing the ten numbers. Is like this

float x[10];

and when the user write the numbers the cin part is like this


after this we continue writing the x[i] when we want to use the ten number in a cycle or something. MY CODE IS UPSTAIRS IF YOU WANT TO TAKE A LOOK