WSQ01-First Real Homework

First real homework I’ll do on my blog.

Nope, just kidding, I won’t actually code anything on this one, I’ll just download the stuff I need to start coding. I can’t believe I have to write about this but, well, there’s a reason for this… I hope so.

I didn’t have an available computer to work at last semester, now I do, and so my excuses to fail the course have vanished. I must add that the machine at my service is a very decent MacBook and I’m very, very happy working with it, except for a few things… I bet it is relevant to say that I hadn’t ever used a mac before. Well, after a few web-surfing I found out how to use mac’s terminal “bash” and realised I didn’t have to download python, as mac has python’s 2.7 version pre-installed. That was great news… buuuut!

Yes, there’s a but. I couldn’t run anything on the terminal because apparently it had “no Xcode selected”. So I looked for the version of Xcode that corresponded to my OS version, OS X Lion or 10.7 and found out that the Xcode’s version compatible with it wasn’t supported any more, and the current version of Xcode wasn’t compatible with my OS.

I finally decided to download the latest version of OS X, Xcode and Atom, my editor of choice. It took hours, almost all the afternoon. I’m completely done for the day. I hate this.

This post is for my #WSQ01 on the programming fundamentals course.

WSQ01 – Get Coding

Para poder empezar a programar, necesitamos una herramienta para programar, y un compilador para traducir el lenguaje de programación a otro.


Atom - Install

Después de consultarlo con mis compañeros tanto de mi clase, como de semestres mayores y con mi profesor, decidí instalar ATOM para que sea mi herramienta de programación principal.

Atom - Install 2

Al instalar el programa, lo ejecuté sin error alguno.

AtomAsí es como se ve el programa ejecutado.


Cygwin - Install

Al terminar la instalación de ATOM, faltaba la instalación de un compilador, y por consejo igualmente de mis compañeros y profesor, elegí a Cygwin como mi compilador principal.Cygwin - Install 2

Bajé el programa para poder instalarlo, a diferencia de la ejecución de ATOM, Cygwin me causó muchos problemas, ya que no funcionaba al momento de leer los programas guardados en ATOM, por lo tanto, tardé varios días reinstalando Cygwin una y otra vez sin encontrar la solución al problema, acudí con mi profesor y volví a reinstalar el programa acompañado de mi profesor, y al observar que el problema seguía, mi profesor me dijo que intentara des instalando mi antivirus, y efectivamente, ese era el problema, al des instalar el antivirus, Cygwin funcionaba correctamente.CygwinAsí es como se ve Cywin ejecutado, y al fondo se observa de igual manera ATOM.

Ready for programming

The first thing that I had to do was to install a code editor and to set up my computer to run the GNU C++ compiler (g++). There were many options for the code editor like Atom, Notepad++ and Vim but I didnt now which one to download so I asked a friend who already took the class and he recommended me Atom.

Downloading Atom was pretty easy, I just needed to press the download boton.
*You can download it from here:


Then I needed to install Cygwin because I have windows on my computer. There I had no option so I had no problems choosing (lol).
*You can find it here:


… But it was kinda difficult because there u didn’t have to download everything just what we need for this course, so I had to ask a classmate how to do it.

After installing both, u are ready for starting to programming.

Haga click para ver el pase de diapositivas.


Get Coding

Comencé dirigiéndome a la página de Python. Hice una búsqueda intensiva acerca de las características de mi computadora para ver que versión de Python instalar. (jiji)

ashamed ->> pag, de


Ya instalado lo abrí de IDLE y de ahí puedo empezar a programar.

Como  editor de texto instalé “Notepad++” (para windows) con el que puedo programar en cualquier lenguaje de programación (claro, con su debida sintaxis).



First I asked my friend Miguel which program does he use. Because I have a Mac Computer and also he does, I installed Atom. Because it looks cool.

Then I installed xCode from de AppStore, to be able to run the GNU C++ compiler (g++). [I guess thats the reason].

The Mac already has the Terminal, so I didn’t need to download it again.

And I believe that was all.

Captura de pantalla 2016-01-26 a las 12.10.08.png

WSQ01: Get Coding


The first text editor  I installed was atom, mainly because it looked cool and good for begginers.



but after doing some research i came to the conclusion that the best text editor for me would be Sublime Text 2 because it has everything I’ll ever need. 




After that I installed Python 3 using cygwin.



Therefore I’ll be using the cygwin terminal to run my Python 3 programs.




And that is pretty much my whole coding enviroment (for now at least).



Get Coding WSQ01

Well I already got all the stuff I should have for my self learning and the course, so here are some screen shots to probe it. I use Mac and my text editor of preference is Atom, I haven’t try a better one, its very intuitive with the colors, and very easy to understand, so for beginners I think is perfect.

Captura de pantalla 2016-01-22 a las 9.57.13 p.m.

Probably you need to download Xcode from the App Store in your mac or the official web from Apple (this is the link for the Apple website but it takes a ton of space in your hard rive so another solution is this creepy stuff Homebrew, I have no idea how it works because I downloaded Xcode, both are free.

And Finally to compile the code you will use the terminal in your mac, just search in finder for the terminal, obviously all this things are gonna change with windows users (only Atom will work too because is multiplataform), so for windows you should checkout my friend blog; Valeria’s blog probably she’s going to explain the windows  process in the near feature. Captura de pantalla 2016-01-22 a las 10.13.17 p.m..png