Thank You

--Originally published at Digital Identity

There’s not much more to say about this workshop. Thank you Ken for all the effort you put into this, for making me interested in something I used to think was useless. I take something for the rest of my life from each of the people we spoke to. Maha, Ken, Diego, Laura, Lee, Dave, Alan, Amy, Autumn, Bonnie, Sundi, Rebecca and Helen, I have nothing else to say that thank you so much for giving me tools that I’m sure I will use the rest of my life.

Unfortunately, I don’t see myself blogging in the near future. I’m convinced it has a lot of benefits to spread your thoughts, your ideas and your feelings to an audience you may not even know, but right now I just don’t think I have enough time. Besides, I prefer other types of media to express how I feel, like pics, GIFs and videos, and my Tumblr blog did, does, and will always suit me for that purpose. But who knows? Maybe a year from now I will be a superstar blogger.

I didn’t make any friends. But that’s cool. I found out more about myself, and God knows I’ve been trying to make progress in my self-knowledge and self-acceptance.

I will close this chapter of my life with my video. I’m sorry for the nasty watermark, I just spent so much time in it that I couldn’t spend more hours of my life trying to find another tool. I’m very satisfied with the result, so here it is:

’till the next time.


--Originally published at Digital Identity

Today was the last of day of the digital identity course with Ken Bauer at the Tec de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara. Today we were lucky to half a talk with Rebecca Hogue and Helen J. DeWaard. They were nice enough to answer a question related to one of the main concepts of which I wanted to get into the course. Anonymity, and alterante internet personas. You can check out that whole thing right here:

So, as you can see because of my nickname, and also I’ve mentioned it in another post; I didn’t always went by as my real name in the internet. When I started to be more active in the way I preferred to create a different identity for myself. An alter ego even. That’s when Drag was born. At the time, Drag represented who I wanted to be, but this idea was really far from my actual personality in real life. In high school, as I started to become friends with people that heavily used social media my internet persona started to mix with my personal life. It even got to the point in which my friends started to call me Drag instead of Alex, and to this date my closest friends still do.

It wasn’t until recently that I had my digital life pretty much really far apart from my physical life. Now, the only disadvantage that I find of having a different identity out there is that I will probably not get as much recognition for the work that I do publish out in the web. Another reason is because it started to affect my mental health. It got to the point that I would sometimes identify as Drag, and other times as Alex. Because of this reasons and others I decided to get this two entities together. Hence the full name Alejandro “Drag” Güereca.

In its self it’s not wrong to try to be anonymous or have another persona in the internet. But whatever you do, no matter by what name you go through, be proud of your work. Because if you think that it should be out there, chances are at least a few people are going to feel identified with your thoughts.

Also today we did a cool exercise with video editing. So we goofed around a little bit and pulled this gem:

So that’s it for the week. However I do plan on posting tomorrow what I learned, and final thoughts of the stuff that we looked at. So be on the look out for that.

El toque final

--Originally published at The next step

Hoy es el último día del curso de identidad digital, aprendimos sobre muchas cosas que en lo personal desconocía. Considero que  aprendimos cosas que hoy en día debemos hacer para sobrevivir al mundo moderno y ser profesionistas competentes.

Tal como lo dije en mi post anterior, un video es la mejor manera de transmitir conocimiento , ideas , sentimientos y perspectivas.

En este post final dejaré que el video hable por sí mismo y de un buen resumen y una clara idea de cómo vivimos esta semana. El siguiente video fue hecho por mí usando una herramienta llamada powtoon que también aprendí a usar en este curso.

Así que dejaré que la experiencia hable por sí sola y aquí está el video de iweek :


--Originally published at The next step

La premisa orignal de la comunicación es transmitirán mensaje de un generador a un receptor y que este mensaje se transmita, se reciba y se procese. En el mundo de la tecnología es muy importante saber que ese mensaje se transmitió de forma adecuada y hoy tenemos un nutrido menú de opciones para transmitir cualquier tipo de información que deseemos. Uno de estas herramientas son los videos, esta perfecta combinación entre sonido e imagen es la mejor forma para comunicar una idea, persuadir a alguien, transmitir sentimientos. Otro tipo de medio que existe que s muy simple, son los famosos “Gifs”, estos son pequeños videos de uno o dos segundos. Algo como esto :

giphy-2 giphyCreo que es impresionante como algo tan simple nos puede transmitir tanto, es vital que nuestro mensaje se entienda y que sea captado por la mayoría de nuestros receptores. Algo muy popular hoy en día son los videos totorales, estas son simples explicaciones que la gente hace, señalando los pasos a seguir de cierto proceso por medio de explicaciones que incluyen los pasos a seguir y te enseñan literalmente el proceso, de esa forma es muy fácil cumplir el objetivo y hacer que sea de lo más comprensible posible. Esta es una de las muchas muestras que existen para tomar ventaja de la tecnología de información  nos ofrece hoy en día.

Recordemos las ventajas que nos ofrece vivir en el siglo XXI. Aprovechemos todas las herramientas que tenemos disponibles, que dichos sea de paso, muchas son gratuitas y usemos estas herramientas como youtube, gifs, blogs, y otras herramientas para hacer que nuestra voz se escuche.